Business Marketing Insights

Why You Need a Comprehensive Content Marketing Strategy For Your Business

Sep 15, 2020 8:23:31 AM / by soOlis

You have probably noticed that many of your competitors are publishing blog articles, sharing photos, and/or posting videos to promote their fitness business. While you don't want to fall behind, you may also wonder if content marketing is indeed worth the investment.

After all, generating and promoting content does require some time and effort and you want to make sure it's paying off. The key to maximizing ROI in content marketing is to make sure that you aren't just throwing spaghetti on the wall -- here's why you need a comprehensive content marketing strategy designed specifically for your fitness business and target market:

Improve SEO And Drive High-Quality Traffic To Your Website

80% of consumers use search engines to find local businesses while local searches lead to purchases 28% of the time. Meanwhile, 92% of searchers only click through to websites listed on the first page of Google. In order to drive more high-quality prospects to your website, it needs to rank high in relevant local search results.

Regularly publishing high-quality content signals relevance to search engines and helps them better index your website so you can improve SEO and get found by more potential clients.

Establish Credibility And Build Relationships

Consumers make purchasing decisions based on trust and relationships so it's important that your prospects consider you as an expert and resonate with your unique approach and personality.

Publishing relevant and helpful information can position you as an authority in your area of expertise. Meanwhile, promoting the content via email and social media can help you stay top of mind, engage your audience, and increase the "like, know, and trust" factor to build relationships with your prospects so they're more likely to become clients.

Increase Your Fitness Internet Marketing ROI

Content marketing is very scalable and you can start with a small budget to gain momentum. Instead of having to pay for online or print ads, you just have to invest a few hours each week to create and promote high-quality content. In addition, organic searches tend to be more cost-effective in the long run compared to paid ads because you don't have to keep paying to have your content to show up on search results.

While it may take some time and effort to gain traction, keep in mind that all the content pieces you create and publish will live online forever so they'll keep driving traffic and help engage your audience long after it's posted. To reap such long-term benefits and make sure you're spending your time and resources most cost-effectively, you need a comprehensive strategy to guide your effort so you can maximize ROI.

Topics: SEO, Blog writing, content management, Content Marketing


Written by soOlis