soolis Insights

How Chatbots Benefit Country Clubs and Golf Courses

Oct 3, 2020 3:19:02 PM / by soOlis

For decades, you have been using mail, letters, and in-person meetings to communicate with your country club and golf course members. With the advent of social media, everything changed. There are different ways you can communicate with your country club members and guests.

Today, communication is faster and cheaper than it was two decades ago. There is also a growing demand for personalized communication, offers, products, and services. Advanced golf clubs and country clubs have begun to embrace one-on-one marketing by combining data and content.

Benefits of Chatbots

1. Chatbots Can Deliver Real-Time Messaging

An exciting development in the world of communication is the rise of chatbots and live chats. With these features, your customers can extract whatever information they need at their convenience. You do not need to pick up the phone to schedule a tee time or book a table in the restaurant.

2. Chatbots Appeal to Wide Audience

The general misconception about artificial intelligence is that the technology is only appealing to Millennials. Chatbots are attractive to Baby Boomers as well. The State of Chatbots Report of 2018 revealed three pain points that website visitors have to endure. These pain points include:

  • Difficult navigation
  • Accessibility to FAQs
  • Accessibility of information about the business

It does not matter how green your turf is or how luxurious your clubhouse can be, but if you cannot offer a better online experience, customers will always give you bad reviews.

3. Chatbots Offer 24-Hour Service

Establishing a 24-hour customer service is neither easy nor cheap. There are many factors you need to consider. hiring more staff, paying more in extra wages, and revising your entire business model. Chatbots provide a cost-effective way into the 24-hour customer service. A prospect has a question about the services you offer at your country club. the problem is that it is midnight. With chatbots, this situation does not have to be a problem. The AI-infused chatbots will answer your prospect's questions and gather contact information for follow-ups.

Chatbots incorporation with Alexa and Google Assistant can help your customers schedule tee times and book tables at the restaurant at any time of the day or night. In this way, you retain more customers and boost customer satisfaction.

4. Better Customer Experience

Chatbots offer instant replies. the traditional call centers may generate traffic and put some customers on hold. Such circumstances may lead to dissatisfaction in some customers and eventually churn. Is the customer seeking some information? the chatbot will send them links to the most relevant source of this information.

Statistics Do Not Lie

It is estimated that the global user base of mobile messaging applications will rise by 23% by 2021. About 56% of consumers would rather text than call customer service. From these statistics, you can recognize the need to embrace AI technology by integrating chatbots and live chat into your business model. This statement does not mean that face-to-face communication is dead.

What I am trying to say is that I see a big potential in the use and integration of chatbots in country clubs and golf courses. Chatbots can be attractive alternatives to mobile apps. Unlike mobile apps, chatbots can offer 24-hour service, instant responses, and issue accurate answers from industry experts.

With chatbots, you can free up your highly qualified employees and post them in areas when they can be more effective. Do not be left behind, integrate chatbots into your country club and golf course.

Topics: customer service


Written by soOlis